Terms & Privacy

The information contained in this site is the property of B in B Downtown Suites. Its download, reproduction or forwarding, in part or as a whole for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. A user of this site may not use any software or application that interferes with its normal functioning. Any application, automatic mechanism or manual process may not be used to monitor or copy its pages, without the previous consent and authorization of B in B Downtown Suites.

The user must have a user name and password to access certain content with restricted access. The content of the restricted areas are confidential to B in B Downtown Suites, the user may not make use of them for profitable or business purposes. The content shown on this site may eventually have a mistake or become outdated. B in B Downtown Suites may make modifications or corrections to the published information without prior notice.

B in B Downtown Suites has a commitment to ensure quality service to all clients and site visitors, as well as with aspects related to their privacy.

Personal Information

Personal information is requested so that you can access B in B Downtown Suites, as well as in the act of making a reservation in any unit. Note that your personal information will be used only for making the respective reservation. Your data will not be transmitted to third parties and is only for exclusive internal use of B in B Downtown Suites. If you are already a client registered on our site, you can change your personal data whenever you wish, just logon with your username and password.


To ensure the security of your data and the maximum confidentiality, we handle the information supplied to us in a absolutely confidential manner, in accordance with our policies and internal security and confidentiality procedures.